Best Strategies For Overcoming Obstacles in Life


Life is full of personal obstacles to overcome. There will always be obstacles in your path to achieving your goals. Nothing in life that is worthwhile comes easy. A life with no obstacles means a life without growth.

When you adopt a growth mindset in life, you are constantly facing potential obstacles to reaching your goals. Life throws new challenges in your path every single day. You will fall. You will learn from your mistakes. You will develop new life skills along the way.

Here are the best steps for overcoming your obstacles. These strategies will work for all types of obstacles you'll encounter. They will help you eliminate your bad habits, accomplish your goals, and move forward in life.

Don't Make a Mountain of Your Obstacles

To overcome your obstacles in life, take on a realistic view of your obstacles. People often make their obstacles bigger than they are. Don't blow your problems out of perspective. Take a step back and take a deep breath. See your problem for what it is and create the steps to overcoming the obstacles. Ask yourself two questions:

  • What is in your power to change right now?

  • What is outside of your power right now?

If something is in your power to change right now, take action to eliminate the obstacles. If something is outside of your power, then sit back and don't stress out. Things always have a way of working itself out. If you don't have the power to change your circumstance, learn to relinquish control. Sometimes obstacles help us learn to let go of things that we have no control over.

Build Grit

When you are faced with an obstacle that is challenging, stop quitting on yourself. Obstacles are opportunities for self-improvement. They are meant to be challenging. When you lack the ability to overcome an obstacle, it's an opportunity to further develop your abilities. No matter if you are encountered by environmental obstacles or social obstacles, you can use it as a learning opportunity instead of quitting when things get tough.

Grit is a superpower that anyone can develop. The problem always comes down to your self-limiting beliefs. Make your "shoulds" into "musts". Instead of saying you "should" do something, say that you "must" do something. Stop giving up when you encounter a challenge you don't like. Find a way to accomplish your goals. Instead of shrinking from an obstacle, grow bigger as a result of it.

Find a Greater Purpose

When you identify with a purpose bigger than yourself, it becomes easier to overcome obstacles. Purpose gives you a reason to keep going. It gives you a reason to wake up in the morning. It helps you work when you want to give up. It gives you energy when you are tired. It gives you clarity for who you are becoming.

Align yourself with a purpose that inspires you. Find something that makes you excited to work. Adopt the mindset of a learn-it-all. Be willing to use obstacles as a life-skill curriculum to upgrade yourself. Take everything as a lesson. Stay humble and know that every day will bring its own set of unique and interesting challenges.

Be Willing to Ask For Help

Sometimes, the only way to overcoming an obstacle is to find someone who can help you out. You might be extremely talented on your own, but sometimes obstacles require help from outside of yourself. Be willing to ask people for help. It might be a mentor you respect or a person with skills you don't have. Before asking for help, consider:

  • Offering value to that person before asking for help
  • Showing that you are serious and that you're making efforts to work through your obstacle
  • Getting a "yes" on a small ask first
  • Being respectful of that person's time

Once you apply these tactics, people are more likely to help you if you are persistent. Be genuine and have gratitude when people help you out. Realize that people are capable of good and that no journey is ever truly traveled on your own.

Final Words

I hope you've enjoyed my tips for overcoming obstacles. When you are in the middle of a crisis, it might feel there is no way out. It might feel like you are alone. It might feel demoralizing. But when you start having gratitude for your situations and your challenges, you will have an appreciation for your circumstances. Obstacles make you stronger if you allow it to. It teaches you patience. It teaches you perseverance. Hold on to your purpose like your North Star. It's there to guide you to become who you were meant to be. Don't lose sight and that and your life will work in your favor.